Monday, October 7, 2019

Want to have Sex for Hours? Work on your Kegels

Having sex for hours does involve good diet, a healthier lifestyle change and your Kegel exercise. Today, we will talk about the Kegel exercise you should do to increase your libido. This is the one tip that many people tend to ignore even when they search for ‘how to have sex for hours’.

Kegel exercises help you build the uterus, bladder, and bowled muscles. These exercises are fit for both men and women.

Kegel exercises begin with finding the right muscles on which you need to work out. Kegel muscles are basically your pelvic muscles. Muscles that you use to urinate or pass the gas. If you stop urination midway or tighten the muscle to stop the gas, you will be able to find the right muscles.

Once, you have identified the muscles, it’s time to use the right technique. Tighten up your pelvic floor muscle while you lie down straight. Begin with lying down first. You can perform these exercises in any position once you are no longer a beginner in this. You can shift from lying down to sitting, walking, or sitting. We are recommending lying in the beginning just so that you can stay focused on the exercise.

Tighten your pelvic floor muscles for 3 seconds, then release for 3 seconds – Repeat this 10 times and do 3 sets of 10 each.

Repeat this exercise thrice a day!
These exercises combining with the right diet can get you the desired results so that you no longer have to search for ‘How to have sex for hours’. You will notice a significant improvement in your ejaculation time.

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